Experiencias Exitosas
Most of us didn't arrive in the United States as a child only to find ourselves needing to learn English (and all the rest of the ropes) on the fly.…
Today's story comes from Anthony, who was fortunate enough to receive a scholarship to attend private school when he was growing up in the 1980s. As someone who knows firsthand…
Scholarship tax credit programs have helped to create valuable opportunities for kids in middle- and working-class families, but according to a recent study out of Oklahoma, state budgets benefit as…
De qué se Trata
Let's talk about what we mean when we talk about tax credit scholarships. These aren't school vouchers that divert money appropriated for public education, nor are they tax deductions-- take…
Experiencias Exitosas
We believe that parents deserve more control over their kids' education, and that the key to delivering on that promise is a nationwide tax credit scholarship program. Scholarships empower families…
Experiencias Exitosas
“Our children love to go to school. Our children love to learn… We believe in our children, we believe in the schools.” Scholarships mean the world to parents like Vanessa…
Experiencias Exitosas
“If I didn’t have the scholarship I received in third grade, I wouldn’t be at Columbia University pursuing my dreams and potentially changing the world, as I’m doing right now.”…
Experiencias Exitosas
Scholarships change lives, making it possible for working parents like Al Santiago to send their children to schools that will help them grow and thrive. Hear his story: [embed]https://youtu.be/4wmCzz3v5ng[/embed] Donating…