Study: Tax Credit Scholarship Students 40% More Likely to Attend College

New research from the Urban Institute demonstrates the success of education scholarship tax credits and their ability to change kids’ lives.
Check out the two biggest takeaways from the study, which examined the Florida Tax Credit (FTC) Program, the largest of its kind in the country:
FTC students had higher college attendance rates. Students who were on the scholarship for four or more years were 37 to 43 percent more likely than similarly disadvantaged students in public schools to attend college.
FTC students who entered in early grades more likely to get degrees. Students who entered the scholarship program in their elementary school years and were on the scholarship for four or more years were 29 percent more likely to earn an associate degree than similarly disadvantaged students in public school. There was no statistically significant difference for bachelor degrees.
Created in 2002, the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Program serves over 100,000 students, and the numbers don’t lie– it works!
My Kid’s Future is joining with parents across the country to tell President Trump and Congress that we need a national Tax Credit Scholarship program that can help kids in all 50 states follow their dreams and seek out a better future.
Click here to find out how you can get involved in this effort today!